Sept. 21, 2022

John Livesay-How To Create and Tell Compelling Case Stories

John Livesay-How To Create and Tell Compelling Case Stories

Learn how to turn mundane case studies into compelling case stories. Today’s guest, John Livesay, is known as The Pitch Whisperer. John shows sales teams how to turn mundane case studies into compelling case stories to win more new business. From John’s award-winning career at Conde Nast, he shares the lessons he learned that turn sales teams into revenue rockstars.

John’s new book, The Sale Is in the Tale, is a business fable set in Austin, TX, is about a sales representative whose old ways of selling are not working anymore. The reader accompanies the rep on his journey and learns how to use storytelling and strengthen their soft skills to improve their professional and personal relationships.

In this episode you’ll discover how to tell compelling stories that capture attention, get to the heart, and get results! Get a pen and notepad out for this one as you are about to learn some powerful strategies!

This episode is brought to you by the Breakthrough Sales Leader’s Retreat. If you are a sales leader get ready to breakthrough to the next level of success and fulfillment by creating an authentic sales culture. Get the mindset, skillset, and toolset at the Breakthrough Sales Leaders Retreat, on October 20, 2022. myself and Larry Levine will be joined by Dave Sanderson along with our special guest, Holly Dowling, to create a powerful event. Learn more and register at